Master Thesis Award

The European Federation of National Maintenance Societies (EFNMS) has provision for the bi-annual EFNMS Excellence Award for Master Thesis in Maintenance and closely related topics for the students from the EFNMS member countries.

The EFNMS Excellence Award for the Master's Thesis is presented at the EUROMAINTENANCE CONFERENCE every alternate year.

The purpose of this excellence award is to promote, encourage and motivate the Theoretical and Applied research and applications of research outcomes in the areas of Maintenance Engineering and Management amongst the students of the European Universities/Engineering Colleges.


The academic member of each NMS will be forwarding one best thesis in English language with an Evaluation report detailing Scientific Relevance and industrial value, originality and presentation style, etc (the existing format and criteria used by EFNMS) in English.

Each NMS is required to forward only one thesis with a preliminary Evaluation report detailing Scientific Relevance and industrial value, originality and presentation style, etc as per the format and criteria.

Each thesis should be assessed by an independent jury as per objective Criteria and their average grading points will be considered by the award committee for finalizing the best thesis for award.

Decision of the Award Committee will be Final.

Publicity and advertisement

A special campaign may be conducted to advertise the conduct of "EFNMS Excellence Award for PhD and Master Thesis in Maintenance"" in the NEWS LETTERS published by each National Maintenance Society, giving details of the Award purpose, procedure with last date and award details.

Also, the proposal will be distributed among potential academic institutions for wide publicity. All advertisement campaign should be run in close collaboration with NMSs. The Award Committee and NMSs through the Secretary, Award Committee will be responsible for the publicity and advertisement.

Name of the reviewers and the panel members of jury should be highlighted on web page, and EFNMS/NMS Newsletter etc.

Thesis Assessment Criteria

  1. Scientific Value and Academic Relevance
    Objectives-originality in the main theme, Approach & methodology, Founded on scientific Principles (Quantitative/qualitative analysis), Results and conclusions-Contributions
  2. Industrial Relevance
    Economical contribution/value, Demonstrator/Implementation Guidelines, Practical applicability
  3. Originality/creativity (Innovativeness)
    Of idea/concept, theory, Methodology, Data analysis
  4. Presentation
    Structure, Language, Logic and clarity